Video Archives

Habikino, the city of wine and World Heritage Sites
We introduce sightseeing spots, historic sites and other charms of this city that is filled with history
and culture colored by the Swan Legend through a video.

Trip Movie

Discover the new Osaka!
Travel through the charming city of Habikino

Ms. Misako Yasuda visits Habikino City, where people's lives are intertwined with kofun and an abundance of valuable historical heritage. Introducing the "Recommended Habikino Day Trip" that will take you around kofun registered as World Heritage Sites, and Osaka wine.

Full version (3 minutes)

Promotional video

Half a day Spent in Habikino City

We would like to introduce you to the sightseeing spots of Habikino City that you can explore in half a day.

Habikino with the Hakucho Sisters

The Hakucho Sisters will introduce Habikino City, where the Swan Legend remains, to the tune of Alps Ichimanjaku.

Kofun Group,
a World Heritage Site

Let's bike around
Mozu-Furuichi in Habikino City!

Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group was registered as World Cultural Heritage Site in 2019.
Along with a detailed explanation, we created a virtual tour of the kofun group by bicycle. We also introduce the sightseeing spots and other features when exploring the area.

Furuichi Kofun Group:
A Cultural Heritage of Habikino that will be a bridge to the future

We will explain the history of the Furuichi Kofun Group, one of Japan's most densely populated groups of tumuli of all sizes and sizes.